Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions. For further information, please call us at 1-888-297-8999 or email
The Gallup Panel is an online community that gives members the opportunity to make their voices heard. Panelists provide their thoughts, opinions, experiences and advice through anonymous online surveys. Each time you participate and share your voice, you earn points to redeem for gift cards or donations to charity!
As a Gallup Panel member, you’ll have the chance to complete surveys on a variety of topics relevant to researchers and policymakers in the United States. Most surveys will be short (less than 15 minutes), but some may be longer, and nearly all can be completed from your smartphone.
We randomly select who is invited to take each panel survey. There may be some weeks when you receive no surveys, while other weeks you may be randomly selected to a few surveys.
You will receive an email announcing when you have a new survey. If you opted-in to receive text messages, you may also receive a text message to let you know a new survey opportunity is available. You may receive a few email reminders throughout the survey fielding period (usually a few weeks) as well. You can also view the surveys you are eligible to participate in by logging into your account and clicking the “Surveys” tab.
Points & Rewards
Points are how you earn rewards for participating in Gallup Panel surveys and research studies. Every 100 points earns you one dollar to put towards a gift card or donation to a charity. For example, if you accumulate 1,000 points, you can redeem those points for a $10 gift card to a store or restaurant or donate that money to a charity.
You earn points by completing surveys that you are invited to take.
Each survey is worth a different number of points. When a new survey launches, you will receive an email telling you the survey is available and the number of points it is worth. You can also see a list of all active surveys and their points value, track how many points you have, and redeem points for gift cards or donations to charity when you log into your account.
Log in to your account at
Once logged in to your account, click the “Redeem Points” tab to view your total number of points and redeem points for gift cards or charitable donations.
You need a minimum of 100 points to redeem a reward.
We offer different gift card and charity options for you to redeem your Gallup Panel points. Go to the “Points” tab at the top of this page to see what companies and charities are available.
Go to the “Points” tab at the top of the page. Browse or search the list of companies available to redeem points for gift cards. Click on the option you want and select the number of points you wish to use (in increments of 100).
Go to the “Points” tab at the top of the page. Browse or search the list of charities available to redeem points for a charitable donation. Click on the charity you want and select the number of points you want to use (in increments of 100). Once you have redeemed points for a charitable donation, the donations will be automatically sent to the charity of your choice!
Survey points are typically awarded within 24 hours of survey completion.
Yes, rewards expire 12 months after being credited. When you redeem points, you will automatically redeem your oldest points first.
My Account
You can log in at the top of the page by clicking Member login or at
On the log-in page, you can reset your password by clicking on "Need help with username and password." Then, enter your email to receive a link to reset your password.
Yes, you can. Contact us at, and we will help you through the process.
Your username is the email address you used when you joined the Gallup Panel. If you have issues finding this information, please get in touch with